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Melissa Blakley
Bus Driver
Kris Campbell
Librarian/Media Specialist
Middle School
(937)834-2453 ext 1214
Kassie Coffman
Dohron Wilson Elementary Principal
(937)834-2453 ext 1603
Tracy Merica
7th/8th Grade Science
Middle School
(937)834-2453 ext 3114
Abbey DeLong
9th Grade ELA; Yearbook; HS Softball Coach
High School
(937)834-2453 ext 3210
Joni Dingey
High School Secretary
High School
(937)834-2453 ext 1501
Amy Dingledine
Intervention Specialist
(937) 834-2453 ext 1226
Christie Dodane
Business; Girls Basketball Coach; Fall Site Manager
High School
(937)834-2453 ext 3208
David Eades
Head of Maintenance
(937)834-2453, 1014
Shelley Eades
2nd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
(937)834-2453 ext 2124
Bryan Eyink
1st Grade; HS Baseball Coach
Elementary School
(937)834-2453 ext 2133
Nichole Fillman
3rd Grade
Elementary School
(937)834-2453 ext 2235
Kurt Forrest
Career Based Instruction; Football Coach
(937)834-2453 ext 2132
Amanda Gaffga
Literacy Coach
Elementary School
(937)834-2453 ext 2114
Ce Greene
Director of Special Education
(937)834-2453, 1110
Joella Hartman
Bus Aide
Tyna Harvey
8th Grade ELA
Middle School
(937)834-2453 ext 1218
Jennifer Widay
Intervention Specialist
Middle School
937-834-2453 ext 1106
Jerri Henry
2nd Grade
Elementary School
(937) 834-2453 ext 2127
Mandee Heyder
District Registrar; EMIS Coordinator
Central Office
(937)834-2453 ext 1200