Please see the Zoom invite from Mrs. Schipfer below. This Q&A session will cover back to school information. She will host an additional Zoom call next Wednesday regarding e-learning.
Good afternoon middle school families,
Our teachers and staff are super excited for this year! We’re thrilled to be able to have in-person learning as we begin and actually “see” our kids. We miss them every summer break, but we’ve especially missed them this year! Everyone has been working hard so that everyone feels safe as we return to school.
The district has tried to communicate our plans for the upcoming year as clearly as possible. However, as you’ve most likely experienced, just when we think we have everything figured out, someone yells, “Pivot!” and we have to adjust our plans.
I’m sure there are still some questions and concerns that you have and I’d like to try to address those before next week so that you and your child are comfortable on their first day back. I will be holding a virtual Q&A session Thursday evening (August 20th) at 6:00.
Marlo Schipfer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 20-21 MMS Informational Q & A
Time: Aug 20, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 951 5139 9849
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